ANTIBALL is a special blend of environmentally acceptable ionic and nonionic surfactants. It is used to prevent bit and bottom-hole assembly balling in all water-base drilling fluid systems.
- Prevents sticky drilled cuttings from "balling up" the bit and bottom hole assembly.
- Compatible with all types of water-base drilling fluids.
AQUAFIZZ is a proprietary blend of alkyl ether sulfate and glycols. It is used as the primary foaming agent in foam drilling operations.
- Non-flammable and biodegradable surfactant which is utilized as a foaming agent.
- Produces stiff, stable foam with consistent bubble size and uniformity.
- Improves the carrying capacity of air and reduces air volume and pressure requirements.
MIXFROTH is a proprietary blend of fatty alcohol ether sulfate. It is used as the primary foaming agent in foam drilling operations.
- Produces stiff, stable foam with consistent bubble size and uniformity.
- Improves the carrying capacity of air and reduces air volume and pressure requirements.
- Increases penetration rates and extends bit life.
W-WET is a proprietary blend of liquid surfactants designed for use in well clean-up operations.
- Used to remove oil-base drilling fluid residue from wellbore surfaces.
- Powerful water wetting agent that leaves all downhole tubulars in water wet.
- Promotes the suspension of drilling fluid solids and other deposits contributing to formation damage.