Resources - Articles & Papers

Comprehensive Approach to Torque and Lost Circulation Problems in Geothermal Wells in Terms of Drilling Fluid

Articles & Papers - September 2021

Drilling in a lost circulation zone has long been a challenge in geothermal wells due to its strong potential for high torque and wellbore instability. Particularly in deviated, extended reach and horizontal wells, frictional forces between drill string and wellbore or casing may be high enough to interfere with running the pipe in and out of the hole. These forces may also increase the torque and the stress on drill string which may end up with severe problems like stuck pipe and lost in hole. High-temperature high-pressure (HTHP) drilling fluids design, which minimize loss rates and friction values, is critical for the success in the face of these challenging drilling practices.

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Drilling Fluids Project Engineering Guidance and Most Common Fluids Related Challenges for Deepwater and HPHT Offshore Wells

Articles & Papers - August 2021

This paper discusses both technical and project management aspects of drilling fluids services for deepwater and high pressure high temperature (HPHT) offshore drilling projects. The technical discussion part includes deepwater and HPHT specific fluids related concerns such as logistics, narrow drilling window, shallow hazards, gas hydrates, HPHT conditions and low temperature rheology; together with practical solutions for each of them. As some of these challenges cannot be met by only fluids itself, technologies such as managed pressure drilling (MPD), dual-gradient drilling (DGD) and use of special downhole tools are also included in the discussions.

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Design and Evaluation of Wellbore Strengthening Materials for Fractured Depleted Carbonate Reservoirs

Articles & Papers - October 2020

The lost circulation is a primary consideration while drilling through fractured carbonate formations. Uncontrolled lost circulation may result in high nonproductive drilling time and cost, stuck pipe, side-tracks, blowouts and occasionally, the abandonment of expensive wells depending upon the severity of the loss. Additionally, drill solids entering the reservoir as a result of lost circulation may plug the pore throats, leading to a significant decrease in production.

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Sıcaklığın Anülusteki Sürtünme Kaynaklı Basınç Kayıplarına Etkilerinin İncelenmesi

Articles & Papers - Ekim 2020

Anüluste sürtünme kaynaklı basınç kayıplarının doğru olarak hesaplanması, sondaj ve kuyu tamamlama operasyonlarının kaçak, dizi sıkışması ya da daha ciddi kuyu kontrolü problemleri olmadan yapılabilmesi için gereklidir. Newtonian ve Newtonian olmayan akışkanlar kullanılarak sürtünme kaynaklı basınç kayıplarının belirlenmesi için birçok deneysel ve teorik çalışmalar yapılmıştır. Bu çalışmalarda eş merkezlilik, kullanılan akışkanın tipi, iç borunun dönmesi ya da kuyu geometrisi gibi etkenlerin sürtünme kaynaklı basınç kaybına etkileri araştırılmıştır. Buna rağmen, jeotermal kuyular için büyük öneme sahip sıcaklığın etkisi için yapılan çalışmalar yeterli sayıda değildir.

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Overview and design principles of drilling fluids systems for geothermal Wells in Turkey

Articles & Papers - April 2020

Joined the 1 GW installed capacity club in 2017, Turkey has undeniable production and potential for geothermal energy, ranking top 5 worldwide. Harnessing geothermal energy has many challenges, from planning to commercial phases. This study features the challenges, experiences and latest advances in drilling fluids utilized in geothermal well construction process in Turkey; focusing to provide a comprehensive information about drilling fluids systems and their design principles in geothermal wells in Turkey.

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Investigation of the Effects of Temperature on Annular Friction Pressure Loss

Articles & Papers - April 2020

Accurate estimation of annular friction pressure loss is necessary to perform drilling and well completion operations without lost circulation, pipe sticking or more serious well control problems. Determination of friction pressure loss for Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids has been investigated in several experimental and theoretical works by considering the effects of eccentricity, pipe rotation or pipe geometry. However, there is a gap in the studies about the experimental investigation of temperature effect that is important especially in geothermal wells.

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Sondaj Atıkları Yönetim Sistemi Vaka Çalışması

Articles & Papers - Mart 2018

Bu bildiride, Manisa-Alaşehir bölgesinde jeotermal kaynak arayışı hedefi ile kazılan 6 adet derin (3000+ m) kuyuda GEOS Enerji tarafından uygulanan atık azaltıcı sistemlerin uygulamaları ve sonuçları değerlendirilmiştir. Sondaj operasyonlarında oluşan sondaj atığı miktarının metre başına 0,8-1,2 ton aralığında değişim gösterdiği hesaplanmıştır.

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Accurate Modeling of Surge and Swab Pressures of Yield Power Law Fluids in Concentric Annuli

Articles & Papers - January 2018

Accurate numerical modeling of surge and swab pressures in concentric annuli is proposed. The numerical scheme is developed for the laminar flow occurring during the drillstring axial movement. The model incorporates Yield Power Law (YPL) fluids, which is a good representation of the most of the drilling fluids. A commercial computational fluid dynamics (CFD) package is used to validate the developed numerical model. Also, the mathematical model and CFD analysis are compared with the existing models from literature.

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Kütahya Gediz Grabeninde Yapılan Jeotermal Sondajlarda Kuyu Stabilitesi Probleminin Sondaj Sıvısı Yönünden İncelenmesi

Articles & Papers - Mayıs 2015

Bu sunum, Ege bölgesi Kütahya ili Gediz grabeninde yapılan jeotermal sondajlarda karşılaşılan serpantin formasyonunun geçilmesi sırasında yaşanan kuyu stabilitesi problemlerini çözmek amacıyla yapılan saha ve laboratuvar çalışmalarını kapsamaktadır.

Volkanik bir kayaç olan serpantin, sondajı sırasında kuyu stabilitesinde büyük sıkıntılar yaşatmaktadır. Yıkılma ve dağılma problemleri kuyu içindeki stabiliteyi bozmakta, yıkılan malzemelerin taşınması ve temizliği konusunda problemler yaşanmaktadır. Bu problemler sondaj dizisinin tork almasına, basınç yükselmelerine, takım sıkışması ve kuyu kaybına kadar giden ciddi sıkıntılara yol açmaktadır.

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